Accessibility Feedback Process

Pure IP welcomes your feedback on any accessibility barriers that you may have encountered or your feedback on the manner in which Pure IP is implementing its Accessibility Plan. The Regulatory Compliance Team is responsible for receiving feedback.

Feedback can be general or specific, but providing more details such as the date, the name of the webpage, application or activity involved, may make it easier for us to understand your concerns.

Feedback can be sent by:

You can submit your feedback anonymously via the webform. However, we may be able to better serve you if you provide your contact information. This information will not be shared with any third party and will only be used by us to address your feedback.

Automatic acknowledgement of receipt will be sent for feedback received by webform. For feedback received by email, an acknowledgement email will be sent.

By contacting us, you agree to the collection, use and storage of your personal information provided to us for the purposes of responding to you and improving our services.