We have recommendations for you!

Thank you for building your own solution with Pure IP! Our team will review your form and get in touch with you shortly to discuss your requirements in detail.

In the meantime we have some initial recommendations based on your responses.

Secure, Resilient Voice for Enterprise

SeRVE for Enterprise Voice is a cloud-based, fully managed global voice solution designed specifically for large and multinational organizations. It combines the reach of Pure IP’s voice network with 24/7 technical support and a suite of managed services and online tools that put you in control.

  • Consolidate voice services: Eliminate the need to manage multiple carriers with a truly global, end-to-end communications solution
  • Integrate systems: Get the most out of your investments in hardware, UC solutions, and Contact Centers using our platform-neutral solution
  • Extend your coverage: Stay connected in 137 countries, with fully compliant PSTN replacement in 50
  • Design the perfect solution: Our voice experts will help you achieve your goals using our comprehensive range of connectivity options

Related products and services

Managed SBC service: Session Border Controllers (SBC’s) can help you extend the reach of your voice services to remote locations, but they can also be complex to manage. This service can support you with any, or all, of the different stages from the initial supply, configuration and deployment of an SBC, through to its ongoing management.

SIP Connect: SIP Connect is an add-on to SeRVE that provides cloud connectivity to your analogue devices and legacy systems, such as fax machines, doorbells, and paging systems.

Number Connect: Number Connect lets you view and search through all of your telephone numbers in one place, regardless of the platform or carrier providing those numbers. It consolidates data across sites, ranges, and users into at-a-glance dashboards and reports providing capacity and allocation management information.