We are pleased to announce that Single Sign On (SSO) is now available for the Pure IP Customer Portal. This new feature allows our customers to sign into the Customer Portal using their own Azure Active Directory (AD). Once they have granted the Customer Portal App access within their Azure AD Tenant, users will be authenticated and signed into the Customer Portal automatically.
What are the benefits?
SSO provides users with a seamless experience between their own systems and Pure IP’s Customer Portal. It enables secure, automated authentication into the Customer Portal, where users can then easily monitor and manage their Voice Services with Pure IP.
How do we ensure users are authenticated with a validated AAD tenant?
The Pure IP Customer Portal App must be granted read-only access to basic account information in the customer’s Azure AD tenant by a systems administrator for SSO to work. That means that the metadata from the Pure IP Customer Portal App is registered to the customer’s ‘Approved Apps’ list on their Azure AD tenant.
Why is SSO secure?
SSO acts like a handshake between the customer’s Azure AD tenant and Pure IP’s Azure AD tenant. If the app is not registered on the customer’s ‘Approved Apps’ list, then their users cannot sign into the Pure IP Customer Portal using SSO.
How does SSO work with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)?
By enabling SSO, the Customer Portal will inherit the same MFA settings that users have already set up on their Azure AD. If, for example, users have chosen the Microsoft Authenticator as their preferred method of MFA, users will be prompted to approve the sign in request for the Customer Portal via Authenticator.
note, if MFA has previously been enabled on the Customer Portal user’s account and they choose to log in with their existing credentials rather than through SSO, they will be prompted to input the one-time code from the original MFA method.
Find out more about the MFA methods that users can enable for the Customer Portal.
Would you like to enable Single Sign On for your users? There is a simple one-time setup to complete – please contact your Account Manager at Pure IP to request SSO for your users.